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Showing posts from February, 2018


2. Be patient enough till the day of your manifestation, but while waiting make sure you are working towards it and putting your own efforts so that you also can blessed. Just be optimistic towards the goal. 3. Hard times must come because they are part of life, be strong and never fall, even if you should, ensure you rise up to a higher level. 4. When you are successful not evey body deserves your time, attention, money and not every place deserves your presence.    Be cautious of people you allow around yourself, some are there to return you to Level 1, and sometimes the carless set of people are affected by this omen. 5. Appreciate and upgrade those who were of help to you and stood by you all through, even if they are all great or wealthy now, do something for them that they won't forget you for, because even the richest man on earth has certain things that he is in need of. If it weren't so, it wouldn't have been so. 6. Be of help to those who are still coming u


STAGE 9    The Master now begins to work on you, but you may not know, though sometimes you see some sign and then you are encouraged to press in, hopping to become a better person someday.           STAGE 10    Finally, when your morning comes, they all travel back in a speed of light. Even those who never knew you wants to be identified with you. Obviously for two reasons ; Firstly To make others believe the know you and Secondly to show to the world that they are now great persons because they have been acquitted with you. They never laboured with you but they claim the greatness even more than you that owns it and they go about advertising themselves with you as a catalyst and you are not even aware of most if it.      Now they want to take photo with you, so that they can easily post it in net, now they turn down most of their appointments and always to  come around you.    SUCH IS LIFE...........                                                             MY ADVICE ARE


       STAGE 5    Now they are eager to take good shoots with the house as the yardstick because the house has an appearance that will seem acceptable and admired by others.          THE VIEW            ST AGE 6    From the beginning of a person's life, many people have  different contributions they made to them, positive or negative, cautiously or uncautiously. But the fact is that a contribution is made. Did you know that many people are not who they are because they actually desired it, but it could be from others that they draw their source of pursuit. Maybe because of their parents influence or they saw other people and decided to follow likewise and that is why they fail, especially when that aspect is not their life's line.          STAGE 7    Sometimes, it looks acieve we are forsaken by God or we tend to hold to the believe we had from childhood that; becoming great is usually delayed. Actually it may not be like that, the Master of your life has reasons why


LIFE LIKE AN UNCOMPLETED BUILDING / HOUSE 1.    Let us view life from the aspect of an uncompleted building or house that is about to be built.          STAGE 1     At the onset, the building actually begins with a foundation and during that period many people are involved or the efforts of different people are put together to make sure the foundation is laid.          STAGE 2    Some foundations are left for many years before the owner will begin building properly, the reasons are best known to the owner. You may not know until you ask and you can't get an answer unless you are close to the owner to know why, as a matter of fact sometimes you receive wrong information from people but that still doesn't make the foundation to be removed because it has already being laid.        STAGE 3   When the building finally commences, only the engineers know what the result would be. People watching or passing by will never value it, nobody wants to go close to the building let