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Showing posts from 2019

Life's Battle by Emmanuel Ina.

  At every stage in life; there will always be a battle to fight, a reason to cry, scenario to fear, responsibilities to handle, challenges to respond to, wounds not ready to be healed, sicknesses to hurt us, broken relationships to our detriment, friends untrue, troubles unavoidable, results not expected and many more. As we progress in life these things don't vanish away totally; some go, some remain while some are replaced with others of their kind perhaps, more hectic than them. No one can truly succeed in life without having to conquer, defeat, endure, overcome and gain mastery over life's challenges and circumstances. But through all of these; we need to be encouraged. Provided there is the opportunity to exist still, there is hope therefore BE ENCOURAGED!. A time will come that you will have to tell younger generations how you conquered, if you get discouraged and give up there won't be a good story for you to tell. Be encouraged; you will succeed, you wi

The marriage story 1(click on read more to view)

The marriage story 2(click on read more to view)

The marriage story 3(click on read more to view)

Thee marriage story 4(click on read more to view)

The marriage story 5(click on read more to view)

The marriage story 6(click on read more to view)