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Showing posts from October, 2017

8 things you should never do. No5 will amaze you.

1. Never live a defeated life because of the options of others. 2. Never do less that you are  capable of doing. 3. Never underestimate a fool because even a fool teach you how not to be foolish. 4. Never be confused when it comes to decision making by Taking nobody's advice and talking everybody's advice, it leads to disaster. 5. Never forget that your debts are your enemies, so work hard on settling them step by step because you cannot have all the money to pay all of your debts at once, it's better you pay in steps than to continue owing and waiting for a perfect time to pay at once, that perfect time may never come because you are actually ignorant of tomorrow till it becomes a reality. 6. Never be satisfied with anything you do, always seek for more to improve yourself. 7. Never underestimate your self, you are better than millions of dead bodies at the cemetery because you have life to always do better in whatsoever ever aspect you have failed. 8. Never

Life by choice

 PORTRIA NELSON                       Hole on my side walk.                         CHAPTER ONE   I walk down a street and there is a big hole. I dont see it and fall into it. It's dark and hopeless and it takes a long time to find my way out. ITS NOT MY FAULT.                         CHAPTER TWO    I walk down the same street. There is a big hole and I can't see it, but still fall into it. It's dark and hopeless and it takes me a long time to find my way out. ITS NOT MY FAULT.                        CHAPTER THREE    I walk down the street. There is a big hole. I don't see it and fall into it. IT BECOMES A HABIT. ITS MY FAULT.                    CHAPTER FOUR     I walk down a street, there is a big hole. And I walk around it and go my way.                     CHAPTER FIVE      I choose to walk down a  different street.

Value the sacrifice of others

If someone offers you water in a jerrican and you don't like the taste just pour back the water to the jerrican instead of throwing it away because you don't know how much the person suffered and what he/she went through to provide that water for  you to drink.
The road to destiny is often strewn with hurdles, disappointments, discouragements, oppositions, distractions, discomforts, struggles   and lots of challenges. The purpose is to make you lose hope and to let go of your dreams. Challenges are not in anyway signs that you cannot make it, but proof that there's something better at the end of the tunnel if you don't give up. So just keep moving, just a little move can create a long distance in a period of time.

34 Best ways to live your life

1. Have a firm handshake. 2. Look people in the eye. 3. Sing in the shower. 4. Own a great stereo system. Music is life. 5. If in a fight, hit first and hit hard. 6. Don't expect life to be fair. 7. Never give up on anybody. Miracles happen everyday. 8. Always accept an outstretched hand. 9. Be brave. Even if you're not, pretend to be. No one can tell the difference. 10. Whistle. 11. Avoid sarcastic remarks. 12. Choose your life's mate carefully. From this one decision will come 90 per cent of all your happiness or misery ABSOLUTELY!. 13. Make it a habit to do nice things for people who will never find out. 14. Lend only those books you never care to see again. 15. Never deprive someone of hope; it might be all that he has. 16. When playing games with children, let them win. 17. Give people a second chance, but NOT a third. 18. Be romantic. 19. Become the most positive and enthusiastic person you know. 20. Loosen up. Relax. Except for rare life-and-death


Life is just like the game of football. It begins when you start having love for a round thing called ball. You don't really know if you can play it or not, all you want is just to kick it from one place to another and fell happy. Soon you start giving most of your time to play the round thing that you find interest in. You start from your local field close to your house, it could be just a little space or a portion of a big field. At this point it does not longer involve you alone anymore, but other of your peer group who are ignorantly in the same category with you or Some that would claim that they want it as their carrier. The more you grow the more you notice that there are certain things that you spend most of your time doing. It may be playing alot, talking alot, singing or hanging around with the Children of your neighbors. The world now have started increasing to you because you have started associating with other people, some are your friends while some are friends to

Trials and success

If you have found yourself throughout life never scared, embarrassed, disappointed or hurt, it means you have never taken any chances.