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Showing posts from December, 2018

Some resolution you may want to consider for 2019.

1. Have a good relationship with your creator. 2. Have a black and white plan for each of the months of the year. 3. Eat good food and exercise always. 4. UPDATE, RENEW and DELETE some friends. 5. Replace bad and negative habits, attitude, addicts, character with good and positive ones. 6. Decline from people, organizations, groups, bands etc that won't grow, you can't continue like this. 7. Wake up each day before the rising or setting of the Sun, it helps making your day of worth. 8. Have a daily plan of how you want to live your day, along side with the things you may want to achieve. 9. Be less concerned about people who talk against you, if they can't stop all these years, truly it has become part of them. 10. Be optimistic about everything, including the economy and government of whatever country you are, believing that everything will be fine and it can definitely start from this Year.               See you in Happy 2019. - Emmanuel Ina.

List of world's Countries and their Capitals.

ALPHABETICAL LIST OF WORLD COUNTRIES AND CAPITALS COUNTRY                           CAPITAL 1. AFGHANISTAN                  KABUL 2. ALBANIA                            TIRANA 3. ALGERIA                        ALGIERS 4. ANDORRA                 ANDORRA LA VELLA 5. ANGOLA                            LUANDA 6. ANTIGUA & BARBUDA      SAINT JOHN'S 7. ARGENTINA                    BUENOS AIRES 8. ARMENIA                      YEREVAN 9. AUSTRALIA                    CANBERRA 10. AUSTRIA                      VIENNA 11. AZERBAIJAN         BAKU 12. BAHAMAS,                THE NASSAU 13. BAHRAIN                MANAMA 14. BANGLADESH      DHAKA 15. BARBADOS          BRIDGETOWN 16. BELARUS              MINSK 17. BELGIUM              BRUSSELS 18. BELIZE                  BELMOPAN 19. BENIN            PORTO-NOVO 20. BHUTAN          THIMPHU 21. BOLIVIA               SUCRE 22. BOSNIA & HERZEGOVINA SARAJEVO 23. BOTSWANA        GABORONE 24. B

6 things to do after Christmas.

1. Reconciliation. It's a time to forgive those who offended us in the course of the year and also to seek for forgiveness from those we annoyed, disappointed and hurt.  2. Spend quality time with your family, show them how much you love and care about them. A new year is approaching and you may just get busy again.  3. You and your friend or partner in any relationship should have a review of how you lived the year and how you want the next to be.  4. Make sure you surprise somebody.  5. Give to those who deserve it not necessarily to those who propels you to.  6. Have no enemy in this period.  7. Avoid fights, quarrels and misunderstanding. You will definitely feel pains; both physically, emotionally and mentally if you engage in anything that will hurt you in this period.  -Emmanuel Ina. 

Christmas Regrets.

The great gifts of this season or any season can't be put under a tree; you can't wear them or eat them or even drive them nor play with them as we usually do. We spend so much time in the lesser gifts, toys, sweaters, jewelries, clothes, shoes etc. We focus less on the great gifts which is understanding, grace, peace and forgiveness.  It's no wonder that the holiday leaves us empty, because when its over, the only reminders we have are ; the dirty dishes, untidied homes and the January bills. So it's good we have a purpose for celebrating in a decent way, so that we don't have categories of continuous regrets when all of these is over.  Merry Christmas and a prosperous new year.

Word of Wisdom.

Through failure, life's greatest lessons are learned. It's an opportunity to grow, learn, mature and to become more empathetic towards the flight of others. There is almost no way to succeed in life the long term without having endured the pain that comes along with failure.

7 things you should do before Christmas.

1. Make sure you know the reason for Christmas  and why you are celebrating. It will make no sense if you don't have a personal conviction and explanation about  Christmas. 2. You must not visit everybody, but your house should be open for everyone to visit. 3. Have a money spending plan. It is not always easy to notice the regrets of your actions at the period until you are left alone. So spend money wisely. It's an advice. 4. Make sure you surprise somebody. That attracts God's blessings. 5. Never do anything that will hurt or get your parents angry with you. In as much as you want to do it your own way, remember you can't go too far without them. They have experienced many more Christmas than you and that's  enough reason to listen to them. 6. Give to those who deserve it and not those who it won't make a difference to if you give them. And above all, 7. Celebrate in peace. Merry Christmas -from Emmanuel Ina-

Story of a young talented boy 2.

And brought an elderly frail lady and a blind man to race with the boy. It looked awkward but the boy accepted the challenge and in a jiffy he was at the winning line.  He raised his arms in delight, but the crowd however was silent, showing no sentiment. "What has happened? and why didn't the crowd join in my success?" the boy asked the wise man.  "Race again" replied the wise old man, "but this time, finish together all three of you". The young boy stood in the middle of the of the blind man and the frail lady, took them by the hand and walked slowly towards the winning line. The crowd became ecstatic once more, cheered and waved at the boy. The wise old man smiled and asked the boy " who are the crowd cheering for?".              What to Learn, "Others may not be like you, but a little help can brighten up their lives and make people know more about your abilities". - Emmanuel Ina -       ( Story by Darren Edwards)

Story of a young talented boy 1.

His hungry and passion for success made him won all the races that he ever participated in.  On this fateful day, he was preparing himself for a running competition in his small native village, himself and the other two young boys were to compete.  A wise old man who had travelled from afar to witness the race along side with other spectators were seated and watched as the first level of the race was a heat. But at the finishing line, the boy dug deep and took the winning line and was the first. The crowd was ecstatic, cheered and waved at the boy. The wise old man remained still and showed no sentiment.  A second race was called and the same victory was on air. And of course the reaction of the crowd was negative to that of the the old wise man. The third race was called but the wise man interrupt...............

The sting of a scorpion.

Scorpion stings are painful but rarely life-threatening. Young children, and sometimes the very old, are most at risk of serious complications.                           Symptoms Most scorpion stings cause only localized signs and symptoms, such as pain and warmth at the site of the sting. Sometimes these symptoms may be quite intense, even if you don't see redness or swelling. Signs and symptoms at the site of the sting may include: •Pain, which can be intense. •Difficulty breathing •Muscle twitching or thrashing •Drooling •Sweating •Nausea and vomiting •High blood pressure (hypertension) •Accelerated heart rate (tachycardia) or irregular heart beat (arrhythmia) •Restlessness or excitability or inconsolable crying (both children and adults) •There is usually heart or respiratory failure occurring some hours after the sting.                  Prevention •Keep grass closely mowed, and prune bushes and overhanging tree branches, which can provide a path to your

Few facts about cockroaches, that you are ignorant of.

Most homeowners and tenants are unaware of the health and safety risks associated with cockroach infestations, including the allergies and asthma triggered by cockroach allergens, and the germs and bacteria they have been known to spread. What may not be as widely known is the fact that cockroaches are a very interesting and resilient pest that exhibits some very odd behavior and survival tactics. 1. Cockroaches spend 75% of their time resting and can withstand temperatures as cold as 32 degrees Fahrenheit. 2. A cockroach can live for a week without its head. Due to their open circulatory system, and the fact that they breathe through little holes in each of their body segments, they are not dependent on the mouth or head to breathe. 3. The cockroach only dies because without a mouth, when it can't drink water and dies of thirst. 4. A cockroach can hold its breath for 40 minutes, and can even survive being submerged under water for half an hour. They hold their breath

Changing the world.

When I was a young man, I wanted to change the world. I found it was difficult to change the world, so I tried to change my nation. When I found I couldn't change the nation, I began to focus on my own town. I couldn't change the town as an older man, I tried to change my family, but I found out that I couldn't.  Now, as an old man,  I realise the only thing I can change is myself; and suddenly I realised that if long ago had changed myself, I could have made an impact on my family. My family and I could have made an impact on our town. Their impact could have changed he nation and I could indeed have changed the world.

Our days on earth and Time.

Everybody in the world who wakes up in the morning gets up with a huge opportunity each day.  Many people are so ignorant of the fact that the privilege to wake up each day is a big blessing.  Everyday you wake indicates that there is a value you still need to add to the world. It could be that the day won't be complete without you.  Each day we have is just like a cheque of a million dollar or even more. The time is what tells you how the movement of the day is going, but the day is always saying to you that you can't depend on time to decide what to do with it. Time does not really determine our day, we determine our day by ourselves and set time as a guide. So wake up each day with a plan and a determination, don't let time obstruct until you have achieved something. STAY POSITIVE. - Emmanuel Ina .


When we lose ignorantly, it doesn't hurt us much compared to when we lose cautiously; because we feel our knowledge should have given us such direction not to become victims of loss. But really that proves the fact of not trusting everything at times including ourselves. Better to hope on something than to put all of our trust on it. Sometimes when we are cheated, the best thing to do is to calm down and learn so that we won't fall a fool again. The world is full of people who always want to take advantage of others.  To get something of quality you have to spend in a quality way.  The spending hits us hard at times but anything that will be of benefit to you, never hesitate in sacrificing for it. You don't have to force yourself over everything in life, force yourself only to please yourself and you will be happy forever while you live.  Life is to precious to live timid. - Emmanuel Ina. STAY POSITIVE!

Good office Communication.

During the past fifty years, industrial, commercial and public service organizations have grown prodigiously to meet the needs of advanced technological societies. Sometimes as many as 10,000 people work on one site. Or one company employs more than 50,000 people. Clearly, good communications are essential to the efficient operations of any organization, and vital to the fulfilment of all those who commit their working lives to it.  For this reason, management specialists and behavioural scientist have devoted much thought and energy over recent years to analysing the problems caused by bad communication practices and to creating good communication climates and systems. Therefore, It is very necessary for us to understand our working environment and the essential skills in good communication.

Daily Communication and Offences.

All too often, there is always a difference between what we say and what we think we have said. And also how we feel we have handled peoole and how they think  they have been treated.   When such 'gaps' occur between the content and that action,  it is often started that there has been a break - down in communication.  Sometimes the break down is allowed to become so serious that the gap becomes a chasm; relatives in family ceasing to speak to one another,  managements and trade unions refusing meet, friends refusing to see each other,  colleagues passing each other without pleasantries  etc.  When people communicate,  either as individuals or within groups, problems inevitably occurs.   Instructions may be impossible to carry out,  offence is taken at a particular remark,  a directive is ambiguously phrased or people's attitude are coloured by jealously, resentment or frustration.  So when we communicate, we should try to be as simple as possible and whenever e