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Showing posts from January, 2019

Things will always get better.

There may be days when you get up in the morning and things aren't the way you had hopped they would be. That's when you have to tell yourself that things will get better and no situation is forever. If yesterday could give way for today to show forth, definitely thoss unpleasant things will find their way. Don't make yourself feel depressed to show that you don't have an option. Of course  you do. And that's hope. No matter how ugly things may be it will always never last forever. There is hope. - Emmanuel Ina.

Praying positions.

How to approach people.

In this earth where we live in,  nobody wants to be spoken to anyhow. The way we approach people truly determines what we get out of life. Everybody has his/her personal convictions, believes and policies that they are always cautious of and can defend it to any extent. You can't convince them to yours if you are always rude in your manner of approach. People value the way you approach them so much especially at first sight. So learn to lower the ego and treat people as you would want to be treated. And never claim rights when you are wrong or when you need help. - Emmanuel Ina.

The usefulness of your day.

The usefulness of anybody is determined by how successful he lives his day. It may be difficult for you to remember what you did three days ago or even remember how you lived the day, the people you meet, the clothes you wore, the things you thought about etc. You know why?  That opportunity has passed. Your results will be displayed or determined by how many more days you will waste or make useful just like the previous. So it is not what a person does really that makes him fail, it's the amount of days he misused that has brought forth the results. - Emmanuel Ina.

Value yourself.

You do not have to pretend in order to seem more like someone else. You weren't meant to lie to conceal the parts of you that are not like what you see in anyone else. You were meant to be different. Nowhere ever in all history will the same things be going on in anyone's mind, soul and spirit as are going on in yours right now. If you do not exist, there would be a hole in creation and a gap in history.  Value yourself. -Emmanuel Ina.

Make your day count.

No matter what you do, no matter how many times you screw up and think to yourself or feel bad about yourself; there's no point to stay at one place Carry on. No matter how many people tell you, you can't do it, keep going don't quit. Don't quit because a moment from now you will be much closer to your goal. It doesn't matter how slow it seem to be.  yesterday is gone tomorrow unknown today that you have, JUST MAKE IT COUNT. -Emmanuel Ina.

Inner Peace.

Everyday We get caught up in things that do not deserve our attention!!  Many people are been thrown away  daily by the world  because of accusations. Many days go by and  people want to be angry because of the Injustice done to them but let's remember that it's the peace inside that is the important thing in life!!.  Search for that Peace. It will carry you through the toughest times in your life!! Good people are getting harder to find and the bad are increasing. God has a purpose for us all. Continue and try always to be calm within for this is  how we learn greatness!!. STAY POSITIVE.

How to know if your Original National ID card is Ready.

GOOD NEWS!!! You Can Now Know If Your National ID Is Available For Collection By Checking Online Using These Simple Steps; There is good news for you if you have applied for the National Identity Card via NIMC for a long time now. Some of these cards are now ready for collection, and you can now know if your National Identity Card is ready for collection. You do not have to go to any great lengths to confirm if your card is ready, as you can now check for this information through their online platform. Going to their online platform, you can confirm if the National ID is ready for pickup or not and if it has been dispatched to an Activation Centre. Where to Check the Status of my National Identity Card? ==> Quickly visit the NIMC ID card Status checker HERE==>> ==> Click the green Proceed Button at the bottom to continue ==>Fill in the form accordingly with your real First name, Last name and the Last 6 Digit of

Jamb subject combination 2019/2020 for all courses in Nigerian university.

JAMB Subject Combination 2019/2020 For All Courses. Below is the JAMB Subject Combination for Medicine and Surgery, Pharmacy, Engineering, Law, Accounting, Architecture and all other courses in the various universities in Nigeria. JAMB Subject Combination 2019 For Science Courses. The full list of JAMB Subject Combinations for all courses are as follows: Medicine and Surgery: Use of English, Biology, Physics and Chemistry. Agricultural Engineering: Use of English, Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry. Computer Science: Use of English, Mathematics, Physics and one of Biology, Chemistry, Agric Science, Economics and Geography. Biochemistry: Use of English, Biology, Physics and Chemistry. Biological Sciences: Use of English, Biology, Chemistry and Physics or Mathematics. Physics: Use of English, Physics, Mathematics and Chemistry or Biology. Mathematics: Use of English, Mathematics and any two of Physics, Chemistry, Economics, Biology and Agricultural Science.

Problems of Choir department in Churches.

Every choir department of every church is one of the most functional aspect of the church. In as much as we just know that the devil always attack it, there are ways that he uses to do so; 1. Boyfriend and girlfriend relationship. 2. Pride. 3. Jealousy. 4. Lateness. 5. Laziness / nonchallant attitudes.                         Solution, 1. Discipline against illicit relationship and the attitude of laziness and nonchalantness. 2. Humility. 3. Same mindeness and one spirit in love can handle the problem of jealousy. 4. Fervent prayers not few minutes prayer before rehearsal and after rehearsal. 5. Continuous encouragement from church leaders and elders. - Emmanuel Ina.

Preparation and readiness.

Preparation is the best way to kill the appearance of embarrassment. Continuous preparation is what begats perfection. The process of preparation is not always easy; often times we face so many things that we only but endure.  Preparation involves rehearsal, practice, training etc, and the more you prepare the more confident and fearless you become.  But let's be cautious of the fact that preparation is a process and readiness is a state. We ought to continue being prepared and much more be ready because opportunities will always present itself. Preparation without readiness is a honest waste of time. There is a level you get to that opportunities won't wait for your preparation but will applaude your readiness.  Spend time to prepare and in the process be always READY.  STAY POSITIVE!  - Emmanuel Ina.  

You are unique!

Think what a remarkable, unduplicatable, and miraculous thing it is to be you. Off all the people who have come and gone on the earth, since the beginning of time, not ONE of them is like to you. No one who has ever lived or is to come has had your combination of abilities, talents, appearance, friends, acquaintances, burdens, connection and opportunities, NO not one. No finger prints like yours. No one has the same combination of secrets inside, jokes, and family members like you.  The few people who laugh at all the same things you do, don't laugh the way you do. They don't even sneeze the same way as you do. No one is loved by the same combination of people that love you. NO ONE!.  No one before and no one to come that can be like you. My dear you are ABSOLUTELY UNIQUE!   Value it and never forget forget it. 

Some things you may want to know about young people between the age of 16-27.

1. Anger. They always get angry, even for things that doesn't really concerns them. 2. Hot tempered. Once they get uncomfortable they display aggression mostly male gender. 3. Always attracted to the opposite sex. 4. Tendency to be superior over others; especially younger ones and peer group. 5. They love fun and pleasure. 6. Impatience. They want everything done instantly. 7. They love themselves first, before any other person. 8. Always argue with parents.   So whenever you see them display any of these attitude that is wrong be calm enough to talk them into maturity; being aggressive in correction may not work out well the way you really want. And remember "when you make corrections wait for response"(Emmanuel Ina).        -Emmanuel Ina.

Happy new year lovely people, may you be blessed more than ever before. Amen. - Emmanuel Ina.