Think what a remarkable, unduplicatable, and miraculous thing it is to be you. Off all the people who have come and gone on the earth, since the beginning of time, not ONE of them is like to you.
No one who has ever lived or is to come has had your combination of abilities, talents, appearance, friends, acquaintances, burdens, connection and opportunities, NO not one.
No finger prints like yours. No one has the same combination of secrets inside, jokes, and family members like you.
The few people who laugh at all the same things you do, don't laugh the way you do. They don't even sneeze the same way as you do. No one is loved by the same combination of people that love you. NO ONE!.
No one before and no one to come that can be like you. My dear you are ABSOLUTELY UNIQUE!
Value it and never forget forget it.
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