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Showing posts from March, 2018

Stress 1

Its a tragedy to know that one of the main cause of people's depression and I'll health is the neglected phenomenon known as stress. We know about it, some people even go to the extent of using it as a form of excuses or pride for others to qualify them as hardworking people; and wait for responses of sorry and other sympathetic words.  I have long run noticed that one of the things that kills us human  being is the negligence of things that hurts us. We are conscious of them but we feel its actually nothing till we are hunted by them and then we rub shoulders with the synonyms of regrets. Take a driver for example; who knows that driving when drunk is wrong, but he feels he has decades of years experience on driving and thus no matter how drunk he is, the steering is always at his control.  He may have been doing it and getting away with it,  the fateful day that the principles behind " do not drive when drunk " falls on him and he has to live all his life with


Time is slow when you are are patient or when you wait.  Time is fast when you are late. Time is deadly when you are sad.  Time is short when you are happy.  Time is endless when you are in pains.  Time is long when you feel bored. Every time is determined by your feelings and your psychological condition and not by clock or wrist watches.


 Though assumption is the lowest level of knowledge; it is still a form of knowledge and knowledge is key. Assumptions are the foundation upon which interpretations and conclusions are built. Everything in life operates under certain assumptions.   We make management decisions based on the assumptions we hold about how management  ought to function and how people ought to be governed. For some of us, we consciously imbibe assumptions and Principles about life and consciously decide on them; for others, it is unconsciously but potent all the same. Our assumptions will either drown us or help us soar through life. We have always seen life as an immense mansion with many rooms. Some roots lead to wealth others to the opposite. Ultimately, we decide where we end up; and life, thus far, has proved that not every one of us decide well. We all behave differently where we have different levels of understanding, and behave the same way where our understanding is the same. We eat because we al

Interview with Victor Schueller( A life Coach)

     Life coaching has gained popularity as people get to realize the importance of seeking help in specific areas of their life. Life coaching provides guidance, personal empowerment, and improvement in different aspects of life by examining the present situation, discovering what challenges might be, and choosing a course of action that will help reach the desired goal. In this field, Victor Schueller is not an average coach. He has been recognized as one of the world's top self-development bloggers and has worked as an executive and life coach, helping people learn how to experience well-being and fulfillment through changing the way they talk to each other. Here’s an interview with Victor that we’d like to share with you. It’s about his story, experiences, and knowledge about life coaching. How does life coaching work? Before the age of eight, our minds are essentially “recording devices,” where we pick up on the words, actions, and beliefs of our primary life influence

The great fire of London.

September marks the 350th anniversary of the Great Fire of London, a blaze that destroyed more than 65,000 homes and 13,000 buildings including the Royal Exchange and the original St Paul’s Cathedral. In the early morning hours, the Great Fire of London breaks out in the house of King Charles II’s baker on Pudding Lane near London Bridge. It soon spread to Thames Street, where warehouses filled with combustibles and a strong easterly wind transformed the blaze into an inferno. When the Great Fire finally was extinguished on September 6, more than four-fifths of London was destroyed. Miraculously, only 16 people were known to have died. The Great Fire of London was a disaster waiting to happen. London of 1666 was a city of medieval houses made mostly of oak timber. Some of the poorer houses had walls covered with tar, which kept out the rain but made the structures more vulnerable to fire. Streets were narrow, houses were crowded together, and the firefighting methods of the day

Impatience 2

•Most people are imbibed with the concept of fear and that has resulted to the notable characteristics of impatience in them. Fear of failure, fear of criticism, fear of being asked certain questions that we have not the answer yet, fear of being cast away, fear of being mocked or insulated, fear of loosing loved ones/friends, fear of being delayed, fear of regrets etc. The more fear grows the more strengthened impatience becomes. •When people get depressed to the point of anger over a particular thing/issue; to an extent impatience becomes a companion. When you have tried all you supposed to be the solution and yet there is no result impatience begins a proposal of showing forth. Most times people get off the circle of holding on still for a while when anger sets in.     EFFECTS OF IMPATIENCE There are enormous effects of impatience that are so Paramount in our present dispensation. Continuous regrets has been the most notable penalty for impatience. There is a tendency to imagine

Impatience 1

 Obviously, the way the days are going, it shows that nothing really entail stagnation anymore especially in such a world that is full of some many things occurring and happening in a Jeff. Everything needs responds; there is a phone call it needs responds from the receiver otherwise the caller either continue calling or at once looses patient and start complaining why he or she is not picking up the call. You sent a proposal you need response  instantly, you apply for something you need an immediate response it could possibly be that the time you were given seem too elongated to you and so you prefer to use another method or way.     To an extent, impatience has taken over many things and over the personality of many people. And that is why there are kites of regrets obviously noticed flying up and down in their lives daily.           REASONS FOR IMPATIENCE  •Comparison have had a great effect on peoples lives and has being one of the basic cause of impatience. We try to compare ou

Four amazing things about Ants.

1 Like all insects, ants have six legs. Each leg has three joints. The legs of the ant are very strong so they can run very quickly. If a man could run as fast for his size as an ant can, he could run as fast as a racehorse. Ants can lift 20 times their own body weight. An ant brain has about 250 000 brain cells. A human brain has 10,000 million so a colony of 40,000 ants has collectively the same size brain as a human. 2 The average life expectancy of an ant is 45-60 days. Ants use their antenae not only for touch, but also for their sense of smell. The head of the ant has a pair of large, strong jaws. The jaws open and shut sideways like a pair of scissors. Adult ants cannot chew and swallow solid food. Instead they swallow the juice which they squeeze from pieces of food. They throw away the dry part that is left over. The ant has two eyes, each eye is made of many SMALLER EYES.They are called compound eyes. 3. The abdomen of the ant contains two stomachs. One stomach holds th

Neglected things that keeps people away from you.

1. Complaining all the time. Even if you have reasons to complain sometimes its better to suggest a solution than to be casting blames& talking too much. 2. Depending on others to help you do everthing. Even if your efforts are not very much try and look for how to reduce stress for others you are dependent on otherwise they will pull back from you because nobody in this present world is ready to sustain a liability. 3. Talking too much. When you tie people down with your so many words, they are bored and will not like to really come around you again especially when they have more important things to do.  Talk at the same range with people or sometimes allow them speak more than you,  but don't let them do all of the talking to avoid a dull atmosphere. 4. Unorganised appearance.  Look smart, look neat,  have some smiles on your face when you are to meet with people.  People run away from those whose appearance doesn't entail maturity.  If there is need to talk -in

The need for sexuality education.

        Adolescence is a time when young people are learning a great deal about themselves and adjusting to a rapid change in the body. During early adolescence, many experience a new uncertainty happening to them. As they mature, some feel confused about what they are supposed to do in a variety of situations; including making sense of evolving relationships with family and peers, coping with new sexual feelings, trying to assess conflicting messages about who they are and what is expected of them. Young people need sexual education that model and teach positive self-worth, responsibility, understanding and acceptance of diversity and sexual health. They need to be assured to develop a positive sense of their own sexuality by creating opportunities for them to consider all aspects of sexualities ; to ask questions and to understand that there are adults, who support them and they learn about this themselves. Understanding the elements of one's sexuality is a life along process. It