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Showing posts from April, 2018

Women empowerment.

In recent times women in Nigeria have been seeking independence and recognition. No longer content with their traditional roles as housewives and mothers. The women have joined together to create a mind of women liberation movements, first under the umbrella of WRAPA, an acronym for Women's Rights and Privileges Agency, and later under several other bodies including non-governmental agencies like Women in Nigeria  (WIN), Association of Northern Women in Science and Technology (ANWIST) and convention for Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW). The federal Ministry for Women Affairs has been established since 1995 for the development and advancement of Nigerian women towards what they call 'gender equality'. Through all these bodies, Nigerian women hope to acquire the freedom to pursue interest outside the home, like the opportunity to acquire education or pursue a career, instead of spending all the time doing housework. The effects of the cha

Your debts your greatest enemy!

About 80% of both young and more matured people in the world are in serious debt of one thing or the other. And notably, among the many challenges of humans, debts takes more of the percentage. Debt is very easy to Start but very difficult to control. Whenever we talk about debt the first thing that comes to our minds is always money. That is a fact, but also there are other aspects that we can be in serious debt that will definitely count on us with many effects. Consider a person who promises someone something and he is not able to meet up, to him it has become a debt and it more serious if its an official matter or a relationship matter. Trying to live above your standard will surely get you in debt. Everyone in this life wakes up every morning to meet different challenges that needs to be solved and its obvious that many of Man's challenges lies on Money as the solution or way out. So there is a tendency to go out everyday and offer services, share knowledge, spend time a

Do you think Experience is the best Teacher?

 It is said that experience is the best teacher, but to learn consciously through wisdom may even be a better and more convenient way. To learn by experience is to learn from mistakes. It means you have burnt your fingers and now your eyes are open. This is a tough, costly and inconvenient way to learn. Rather than leaving  our learning to experience, why do we not learn consciously through WISDOM? We can learn by consciously going out of our way to acquire knowledge and wisdom rather than leaving our learning to chance. Surely, we can learn from mistakes but why wait till when we make mistakes before we learn? We should give more premium to learning by wisdom than by experience. This involve one making ones mind to be decisive in learning. We must decide to learn consciously and not necessarily from negative experiences. The first step is to realize that life is simply the outcome and outplay of decisions. Our life now is the sum total of our decisions and our future  and it wil

Biography Thomas Edison

Thomas Edison (1847 – 1931) was an American inventor and businessman who developed and made commercially available – many key inventions of modern life. His Edison Electric company was a pioneering company for delivering DC electricity directly into people’s homes. He filed over 1,000 patents for a variety of different inventions. Crucially, he used mass-produced techniques to make his inventions available at low cost to households across America. His most important inventions include, the electric light bulb, the phonograph, the motion picture camera, an electric car and the electric power station. “None of my inventions came by accident. I see a worthwhile need to be met and I make trial after trial until it comes. What it boils down to is one per cent inspiration and ninety-nine per cent perspiration.” – Thomas Edison, interview 1929 Short Biography Thomas Edison thomas-edisonThomas Edison was born in Milan, Ohio on Feb 11, 1847, the youngest of seven siblings. His parents