About 80% of both young and more matured people in the world are in serious debt of one thing or the other. And notably, among the many challenges of humans, debts takes more of the percentage. Debt is very easy to Start but very difficult to control. Whenever we talk about debt the first thing that comes to our minds is always money. That is a fact, but also there are other aspects that we can be in serious debt that will definitely count on us with many effects.
Consider a person who promises someone something and he is not able to meet up, to him it has become a debt and it more serious if its an official matter or a relationship matter. Trying to live above your standard will surely get you in debt. Everyone in this life wakes up every morning to meet different challenges that needs to be solved and its obvious that many of Man's challenges lies on Money as the solution or way out.
So there is a tendency to go out everyday and offer services, share knowledge, spend time and release strength so as to be rewarded with money to maintain survival. It's somewhat of nature that some people have more money than others, but then it's best that to the extent you are blessed with money you balance the standard with the way you plan and live your life.
Having a mindset of always borrowing will never get one out of debt. You hope always that when things get worst you will borrow and then as expected things go worst, you borrow and when you receive money of your own, other expenses fight your paying back ; and every debt that it's payment is postponed always puts one into a lower standard of living thereby adding up more debts.
Pending unnecessary spending would be better as a means of getting out of debt or avoiding debt. Sincerity and williness to pay back your debts bit by bit will make you succeed, Because paying at ones is not always easy sometimes especially when the debt is much.
Be sincere enough to plead with people who you are owing to give you some time, if you are really determined to pay back, You will see their patience and soon you will owe no more.
Living without debt is possible its all begins with determination remember your debts are your enemies.
Ina Emmanuel.
Consider a person who promises someone something and he is not able to meet up, to him it has become a debt and it more serious if its an official matter or a relationship matter. Trying to live above your standard will surely get you in debt. Everyone in this life wakes up every morning to meet different challenges that needs to be solved and its obvious that many of Man's challenges lies on Money as the solution or way out.
So there is a tendency to go out everyday and offer services, share knowledge, spend time and release strength so as to be rewarded with money to maintain survival. It's somewhat of nature that some people have more money than others, but then it's best that to the extent you are blessed with money you balance the standard with the way you plan and live your life.
Having a mindset of always borrowing will never get one out of debt. You hope always that when things get worst you will borrow and then as expected things go worst, you borrow and when you receive money of your own, other expenses fight your paying back ; and every debt that it's payment is postponed always puts one into a lower standard of living thereby adding up more debts.
Pending unnecessary spending would be better as a means of getting out of debt or avoiding debt. Sincerity and williness to pay back your debts bit by bit will make you succeed, Because paying at ones is not always easy sometimes especially when the debt is much.
Be sincere enough to plead with people who you are owing to give you some time, if you are really determined to pay back, You will see their patience and soon you will owe no more.
Living without debt is possible its all begins with determination remember your debts are your enemies.
Ina Emmanuel.
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