Each gain or benefit you get automatically produces a loss or sacrifice, why you don't really feel it is because the gain is always higher than the loss.
No one ever succeeded in any aspect of life without lossing or making certain sacrifices.
We always feel bad when we loss certain things because of how much we laboured towards it's Sucess.
Possibly we invested in a business and it crumbled, or we had other things we invented in and never got what we expected.
Sometimes getting angry or discouraged is normal as humans, but the sacrifice begats the profit.
lost begats gain,
pains begat freedom,
labour begat a living child,
crying begat courage.
Do not feel so bad when you are not privilledge over certain things, it may not just be your appointed time.
In life one must loss something and one must benefit something.
Life is full of irony and we live by then.
~ Emmanuel Ina.
No one ever succeeded in any aspect of life without lossing or making certain sacrifices.
We always feel bad when we loss certain things because of how much we laboured towards it's Sucess.
Possibly we invested in a business and it crumbled, or we had other things we invented in and never got what we expected.
Sometimes getting angry or discouraged is normal as humans, but the sacrifice begats the profit.
lost begats gain,
pains begat freedom,
labour begat a living child,
crying begat courage.
Do not feel so bad when you are not privilledge over certain things, it may not just be your appointed time.
In life one must loss something and one must benefit something.
Life is full of irony and we live by then.
~ Emmanuel Ina.
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