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Showing posts from July, 2018

Tons Wisdom.

It's not the music that makes people cry, it's the memories that it brings anytime it is being listened to that makes people cry. It's not the size of the load that makes you tired it's how you carry it.  Life is not about what happened to you, it's about how you handle what happens to you. Crying and worrying will never take away the agonies of yesterday but it will surely affect the joy of today. Try as much as possible to let go of what is gone and enjoy what is left because half is better than non. 24 hours is the greatest asset you receive everyday spend it widely now that you can.  Forgive yourself of your past mistakes and forgive those who wrong you and move on with your life. Whoever put you in this situation has already moved on while you are here killing yourself. Forgiveness gives you happiness while unforgiving and revenge consumes your joy. Let God fight on your behalf because there is a limit on how much you can fight for yourself.  Life g

How to read.

There is a very important fact about eye movement that you need to know. If you record the eye movements of someone who is reading, you will notice that, from time to time, the reader goes back and looks again at something he has read before; in other words, he regresses to an earlier part of the text, probably because he realises he does not understand the passage properly. Then he comes back to where he left off and continues reading. At one time, it was thought that regression was a fault, but it is in fact a very necessary activity in efficient reading. There are several different kinds of faults in reading, which are usually exaggerated with foreign learners.  The most common one is that most people read slowly than they should. There is no rate at which people ought to read, of course: it depends on your purpose in reading; how difficult the language is, how unfamiliar the material is and so on.  But most people read everything at the same slow speed, and do not seem to re

Making Money!

Most of the things we do everyday are channelled towards making money; one gets up early every morning to either go to work, look for work or go to school. All of this processes resolves to a circle of getting means to have money to live a more comfortable lif or satisfy one's self and family.  Every aspect of learning is towards having a certificate and knowledge that can be presented to others, and we are appreciated with money either as salary, reward, gifts, services etc. Nobody ever wants to be poor, but some people are just so trapped in the cage of poverty. Poverty is not necessary being deficient of lots of money, car, houses etc, Poverty is simply living at a standard or level that you have all the  ability to live above. So we are faced with different poor people in the society, some made up their minds and can't even look at their abilities, some are just comfortable with being satisfied for the day, and beg for whatever they are not able to afford.  People la

Its better to have a few of right friends than many wrong friends, and it's better to have no friends at all that to have a few of wrong friends!........

A better Nigeria.

 Most times when we contemplate and reason why we have not and cannot leave this country for good. Many answers may rush to our mind, and each of them striving to recognised as being the most cogent. We sometimes remind ourselves of the popular slogan that ' this country belongs to us all', for which Nigerians must join hands in trying to salvage it.We try to dismiss the argument by reasoning that its is foolhardy attempting to lend a helping hand where one's services are apparently not required. Most people want to leave the country in a hurry just because of our political instability and economic hardships, but the fact is that out commitments to our family and extended family at home would suffer. Some believed that as soon as they got abroad, they would arrange for their family to join them, other financial problems would be taken care of. They  would that they will go and never come back until the situation in the country improved considerably, and there will be

Society democracy.

When Thomas Jefferson wrote in the American Declaration of independence that ' all men are created equal' , he was not seeking to describe men's endowments, but their political and legal rights.  He was not saying that men do not differ from one another in the powers and dimension of other bodies, minds and characters. He was asserting that, despite variations and differences, they all possessed the right to equal political and legal treatment.  We must, however, ask of what real value are political and legal equality to a man who has no bread to eat, no clothes to wear, no roof to shelter him, no chance to earn livelihood?. What we understand as democratic society is a society that must provide for its citizen's minimum status.  In our time, the nations of the democratic world have installed elaborate systems of society security and welfare, ranging from compensation for industrial accidents to subsidized housing, unemployment insurance, old age pensions, psychi

Vitamin E!

What if I told you there was a vitamin that plays the role of antioxidant, preventing free radical damage to specific fats in the body that are critical for your health and naturally slowing aging? I’m talking about vitamin E, and believe it or not, vitamin E benefits don’t end there. Other vitamin E benefits include its role as an important fat-soluble vitamin that’s required for the proper function of many organs, enzymatic activities and neurological processes. Vitamin E is found only in plant foods, including certain oils, nuts, grains, fruits and wheat germ, avocados, tomatoes, spinach, mango. It’s also available in supplement. Vitamin E benefits skin by strengthening the capillary walls and improving moisture and elasticity, acting as a natural anti-aging nutrient within your body. Studies have shown that vitamin E reduces inflammation both within your body and on your skin, helping maintain healthy, youthful skin.  It can be used to treat scars , acne and wrinkles; this

The philosophy about too much

1. If you speak too much, you will lie 2. If you think too much, you will be depressed 3. If you cry too much, you will lose your sight 4. If you love too much, you will be lost 5. If you care too much, you will be taken for granted 6. If you play too much, you will not be taken serious often 7. If you trust too much, you will be betrayed 8. If you work too much, you will die of stress 9. If you eat too much, you will be obsessed 10.If you sleep too much, you will be idle 11. If you spend too much, you will have no future 12. If you wear make up too much, you will lose your beauty 13. If you look too much, you will lose your focus 14. If you pursue life too much, you will lose everything. *BUT..........* * When you pray too much, you will have everything * When you are patient too much, you will have the whole world * When you invest too much, you will have your future guaranteed * When you let go too much, you will have peace of mind *When you are careful too much,

Admonition....When next a game is on, take a look at the players, the referees, the linesmen and the spectators. Out of all these category of people, the only people who don't wear a wrist watch are the players on the field. They get into the pitch and play their hearts out knowing that even though they don't know the exact time, the exact minute the game will end and the whistle will be blown, they are conscious of the fact that the game will definitely end when the one holding the time blows his whistle. I liken this to our race here on earth. We are on the pitch of play called life. And even though we all wear wrist watches, they are just a man-made devise to guide our daily activities and give us a sense of timing. The one who holds time is somewhere waiting and watching us play our game on the pitch of life. He has a whistle. When the time is up, by His own timing, he will blow the whistle and the game will be over and then winners and losers will emerge and rewards will be given to deserving players. It is only after the referee's whistle has sounded that I notice people weep or jubilate. They cry and gnash their teeth because, it's all over! The game is over and the time is up! They weep because they see missed opportunities, missed scoring chances, but by that time, the time is up! The game is over! And those who celebrate do so because they won the match. Let me encourage you today, dear friends , that your wristwatch is not the time. Oh no its not! The time is with the one who created time and only Him determines when the time starts and stops for each one of us. With this in mind, let's strive for mastery and reach for the goal as we play on the pitch of life... The play is still on.... I sense we have long returned from our half-time break. I sense that we may perhaps be in our extra time, just incase we will capitalise on the extra time to hit the goal correctly.... Tick - tock-tick-tock... Time is going.. It is not our wristwatch that's reading, it's God's time ticking away.... Play your game well..... Play it with utmost concentration... Shut out the spectators who are either Cheering or Jeering_..... Keep your eyes on the goal post.... Play hard so that you won't loss in the game of life. Stay blessed....Stay rapturable! ~WhatsApp.


Most people say they don't like arguing but the fact remains that in order to properly buttress your point , sometimes you need to stress on what your view is, But this becomes difficult when there is an opposition or a third party that wants you to listen to their own point of view contrary to yours. Everybody argues for a particular reason, and everybody have their reasons based on their thinking and conclusion. Voices are raised up when people find it difficult to conclude on an issue after some moments of argument. As voices are raised up, feelings and emotions begins to set in, anger begins to sprau up gradually. In no short time insults begins to be amidst the arguments and of course it is always a reciprocal scenario. As the pressure increases, if self control is lacking, everyone goes home with a squeezed face and sometimes a hurt body or with animosity. Argument is not  mandatory but in a case where it is necessary, letting our your view is the best option. You don&