When Thomas Jefferson wrote in the American Declaration of independence that ' all men are created equal' , he was not seeking to describe men's endowments, but their political and legal rights.
He was not saying that men do not differ from one another in the powers and dimension of other bodies, minds and characters. He was asserting that, despite variations and differences, they all possessed the right to equal political and legal treatment.
We must, however, ask of what real value are political and legal equality to a man who has no bread to eat, no clothes to wear, no roof to shelter him, no chance to earn livelihood?.
What we understand as democratic society is a society that must provide for its citizen's minimum status.
In our time, the nations of the democratic world have installed elaborate systems of society security and welfare, ranging from compensation for industrial accidents to subsidized housing, unemployment insurance, old age pensions, psychiatric care and national health services.
It is encouraging that the democratic nations are making a serious effort to provide against characteristic losses and disasters of Human life. The evolving status of the negro in American is attracting the attention of the champions of equality.
Everyone ought to be treated fairly as it evolves democracy, the masses have suffered enough let us have good conscience for ruler ship is not all about what we gain but what others gain because of us..

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