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Some resolution you may want to consider for 2019.

1. Have a good relationship with your creator. 2. Have a black and white plan for each of the months of the year. 3. Eat good food and exercise always. 4. UPDATE, RENEW and DELETE some friends. 5. Replace bad and negative habits, attitude, addicts, character with good and positive ones. 6. Decline from people, organizations, groups, bands etc that won't grow, you can't continue like this. 7. Wake up each day before the rising or setting of the Sun, it helps making your day of worth. 8. Have a daily plan of how you want to live your day, along side with the things you may want to achieve. 9. Be less concerned about people who talk against you, if they can't stop all these years, truly it has become part of them. 10. Be optimistic about everything, including the economy and government of whatever country you are, believing that everything will be fine and it can definitely start from this Year.               See you in Happy 2019. - Emmanuel Ina.

List of world's Countries and their Capitals.

ALPHABETICAL LIST OF WORLD COUNTRIES AND CAPITALS COUNTRY                           CAPITAL 1. AFGHANISTAN                  KABUL 2. ALBANIA                            TIRANA 3. ALGERIA                        ALGIERS 4. ANDORRA                 ANDORRA LA VELLA 5. ANGOLA                            LUANDA 6. ANTIGUA & BARBUDA      SAINT JOHN'S 7. ARGENTINA                    BUENOS AIRES 8. ARMENIA                      YEREVAN 9. AUSTRALIA                    CANBERRA 10. AUSTRIA                      VIENNA 11. AZERBAIJAN         BAKU 12. BAHAMAS,                THE NASSAU 13. BAHRAIN                MANAMA 14. BANGLADESH      DHAKA 15. BARBADOS          BRIDGETOWN 16. BELARUS              MINSK 17. BELGIUM              BRUSSELS 18. BELIZE                  BELMOPAN 19. BENIN            PORTO-NOVO 20. BHUTAN          THIMPHU 21. BOLIVIA               SUCRE 22. BOSNIA & HERZEGOVINA SARAJEVO 23. BOTSWANA        GABORONE 24. B

6 things to do after Christmas.

1. Reconciliation. It's a time to forgive those who offended us in the course of the year and also to seek for forgiveness from those we annoyed, disappointed and hurt.  2. Spend quality time with your family, show them how much you love and care about them. A new year is approaching and you may just get busy again.  3. You and your friend or partner in any relationship should have a review of how you lived the year and how you want the next to be.  4. Make sure you surprise somebody.  5. Give to those who deserve it not necessarily to those who propels you to.  6. Have no enemy in this period.  7. Avoid fights, quarrels and misunderstanding. You will definitely feel pains; both physically, emotionally and mentally if you engage in anything that will hurt you in this period.  -Emmanuel Ina. 

Christmas Regrets.

The great gifts of this season or any season can't be put under a tree; you can't wear them or eat them or even drive them nor play with them as we usually do. We spend so much time in the lesser gifts, toys, sweaters, jewelries, clothes, shoes etc. We focus less on the great gifts which is understanding, grace, peace and forgiveness.  It's no wonder that the holiday leaves us empty, because when its over, the only reminders we have are ; the dirty dishes, untidied homes and the January bills. So it's good we have a purpose for celebrating in a decent way, so that we don't have categories of continuous regrets when all of these is over.  Merry Christmas and a prosperous new year.

Word of Wisdom.

Through failure, life's greatest lessons are learned. It's an opportunity to grow, learn, mature and to become more empathetic towards the flight of others. There is almost no way to succeed in life the long term without having endured the pain that comes along with failure.

7 things you should do before Christmas.

1. Make sure you know the reason for Christmas  and why you are celebrating. It will make no sense if you don't have a personal conviction and explanation about  Christmas. 2. You must not visit everybody, but your house should be open for everyone to visit. 3. Have a money spending plan. It is not always easy to notice the regrets of your actions at the period until you are left alone. So spend money wisely. It's an advice. 4. Make sure you surprise somebody. That attracts God's blessings. 5. Never do anything that will hurt or get your parents angry with you. In as much as you want to do it your own way, remember you can't go too far without them. They have experienced many more Christmas than you and that's  enough reason to listen to them. 6. Give to those who deserve it and not those who it won't make a difference to if you give them. And above all, 7. Celebrate in peace. Merry Christmas -from Emmanuel Ina-

Story of a young talented boy 2.

And brought an elderly frail lady and a blind man to race with the boy. It looked awkward but the boy accepted the challenge and in a jiffy he was at the winning line.  He raised his arms in delight, but the crowd however was silent, showing no sentiment. "What has happened? and why didn't the crowd join in my success?" the boy asked the wise man.  "Race again" replied the wise old man, "but this time, finish together all three of you". The young boy stood in the middle of the of the blind man and the frail lady, took them by the hand and walked slowly towards the winning line. The crowd became ecstatic once more, cheered and waved at the boy. The wise old man smiled and asked the boy " who are the crowd cheering for?".              What to Learn, "Others may not be like you, but a little help can brighten up their lives and make people know more about your abilities". - Emmanuel Ina -       ( Story by Darren Edwards)

Story of a young talented boy 1.

His hungry and passion for success made him won all the races that he ever participated in.  On this fateful day, he was preparing himself for a running competition in his small native village, himself and the other two young boys were to compete.  A wise old man who had travelled from afar to witness the race along side with other spectators were seated and watched as the first level of the race was a heat. But at the finishing line, the boy dug deep and took the winning line and was the first. The crowd was ecstatic, cheered and waved at the boy. The wise old man remained still and showed no sentiment.  A second race was called and the same victory was on air. And of course the reaction of the crowd was negative to that of the the old wise man. The third race was called but the wise man interrupt...............

The sting of a scorpion.

Scorpion stings are painful but rarely life-threatening. Young children, and sometimes the very old, are most at risk of serious complications.                           Symptoms Most scorpion stings cause only localized signs and symptoms, such as pain and warmth at the site of the sting. Sometimes these symptoms may be quite intense, even if you don't see redness or swelling. Signs and symptoms at the site of the sting may include: •Pain, which can be intense. •Difficulty breathing •Muscle twitching or thrashing •Drooling •Sweating •Nausea and vomiting •High blood pressure (hypertension) •Accelerated heart rate (tachycardia) or irregular heart beat (arrhythmia) •Restlessness or excitability or inconsolable crying (both children and adults) •There is usually heart or respiratory failure occurring some hours after the sting.                  Prevention •Keep grass closely mowed, and prune bushes and overhanging tree branches, which can provide a path to your

Few facts about cockroaches, that you are ignorant of.

Most homeowners and tenants are unaware of the health and safety risks associated with cockroach infestations, including the allergies and asthma triggered by cockroach allergens, and the germs and bacteria they have been known to spread. What may not be as widely known is the fact that cockroaches are a very interesting and resilient pest that exhibits some very odd behavior and survival tactics. 1. Cockroaches spend 75% of their time resting and can withstand temperatures as cold as 32 degrees Fahrenheit. 2. A cockroach can live for a week without its head. Due to their open circulatory system, and the fact that they breathe through little holes in each of their body segments, they are not dependent on the mouth or head to breathe. 3. The cockroach only dies because without a mouth, when it can't drink water and dies of thirst. 4. A cockroach can hold its breath for 40 minutes, and can even survive being submerged under water for half an hour. They hold their breath

Changing the world.

When I was a young man, I wanted to change the world. I found it was difficult to change the world, so I tried to change my nation. When I found I couldn't change the nation, I began to focus on my own town. I couldn't change the town as an older man, I tried to change my family, but I found out that I couldn't.  Now, as an old man,  I realise the only thing I can change is myself; and suddenly I realised that if long ago had changed myself, I could have made an impact on my family. My family and I could have made an impact on our town. Their impact could have changed he nation and I could indeed have changed the world.

Our days on earth and Time.

Everybody in the world who wakes up in the morning gets up with a huge opportunity each day.  Many people are so ignorant of the fact that the privilege to wake up each day is a big blessing.  Everyday you wake indicates that there is a value you still need to add to the world. It could be that the day won't be complete without you.  Each day we have is just like a cheque of a million dollar or even more. The time is what tells you how the movement of the day is going, but the day is always saying to you that you can't depend on time to decide what to do with it. Time does not really determine our day, we determine our day by ourselves and set time as a guide. So wake up each day with a plan and a determination, don't let time obstruct until you have achieved something. STAY POSITIVE. - Emmanuel Ina .


When we lose ignorantly, it doesn't hurt us much compared to when we lose cautiously; because we feel our knowledge should have given us such direction not to become victims of loss. But really that proves the fact of not trusting everything at times including ourselves. Better to hope on something than to put all of our trust on it. Sometimes when we are cheated, the best thing to do is to calm down and learn so that we won't fall a fool again. The world is full of people who always want to take advantage of others.  To get something of quality you have to spend in a quality way.  The spending hits us hard at times but anything that will be of benefit to you, never hesitate in sacrificing for it. You don't have to force yourself over everything in life, force yourself only to please yourself and you will be happy forever while you live.  Life is to precious to live timid. - Emmanuel Ina. STAY POSITIVE!

Good office Communication.

During the past fifty years, industrial, commercial and public service organizations have grown prodigiously to meet the needs of advanced technological societies. Sometimes as many as 10,000 people work on one site. Or one company employs more than 50,000 people. Clearly, good communications are essential to the efficient operations of any organization, and vital to the fulfilment of all those who commit their working lives to it.  For this reason, management specialists and behavioural scientist have devoted much thought and energy over recent years to analysing the problems caused by bad communication practices and to creating good communication climates and systems. Therefore, It is very necessary for us to understand our working environment and the essential skills in good communication.

Daily Communication and Offences.

All too often, there is always a difference between what we say and what we think we have said. And also how we feel we have handled peoole and how they think  they have been treated.   When such 'gaps' occur between the content and that action,  it is often started that there has been a break - down in communication.  Sometimes the break down is allowed to become so serious that the gap becomes a chasm; relatives in family ceasing to speak to one another,  managements and trade unions refusing meet, friends refusing to see each other,  colleagues passing each other without pleasantries  etc.  When people communicate,  either as individuals or within groups, problems inevitably occurs.   Instructions may be impossible to carry out,  offence is taken at a particular remark,  a directive is ambiguously phrased or people's attitude are coloured by jealously, resentment or frustration.  So when we communicate, we should try to be as simple as possible and whenever e

Our pains and our expectations.

Each gain or benefit you get automatically produces a loss or sacrifice, why you don't really feel it is because the gain is always higher than the loss. No one ever succeeded in any aspect of life without lossing or making certain sacrifices. We always feel bad when we loss certain things because of how much we laboured towards it's Sucess. Possibly we invested in a business and it crumbled, or we had other things we invented in and never got what we expected. Sometimes getting angry or discouraged is normal as humans,  but the sacrifice begats the profit. lost begats gain, pains begat freedom, labour begat a living child, crying begat courage. Do not feel so bad when you are not privilledge over certain things, it may not just be your appointed time.  In life one must loss something and one must benefit something. Life is full of irony and we live by then. ~ Emmanuel Ina. STAY POSITIVE!

You and your family 2.

" My son dont ask for money otften,  he could need something that was why he asked".  And so,  he went and met the boy in his room and said " sorry son I took my aggravation out on you, it's been along day,  here is the $10 you asked for". The boy sat up and yelled " oh thank you daddy". He then reached for under his pillow,  pulled out some more money assembled  them together and said " daddy I have $20 now, can I buy an hour of your time?. Please come home early tomorrow,  I will like us to have dinner together. The man was astonished and he broke down in tears.                  Reflection...... Some of us are like this man.  Let's not get so busy that we neglect to spend time with our family, instead to leave them for others to look after them which may not possibly do so as we will do. Don't make your family to miss you too much and often.  Their happiness is always limited whenever you do so. STAT POSITIVE.

You and your family 1.

A man returned home late from work one night,  tired and exhausted to find his 5 year old son waiting for him at the door. In an unhappy mode the boy asked his father how much he gets paid in an hour.  " That's none of your business, and don't ever ask me such a thing again". The man angrily said and headed for his room. Half way to door,  he turned and faced the son and said " $10". The boy drew close and said " Daddy may I borrow $10 please? ". Furiously the man said,  " if you want to know the money I make so that you can borrow to buy silly toys or some other nonsense,  you had bettter match straight to your room and go to bed". The little boy went quietly to his room and lay on the bed. When the man was refreshed, he thought within himself;

A Poem.

If you go to the river, and you are a stranger, don't swim; it can carry you away. If you go to the market, don't throw a stone; It can hit any of your relative, your mother inclusive.  If you go on a journey, don't forget home; those at home will be waiting. If you go to the Bush, kept your eyes open it is easy to lose your way no matter how big you are. If you don't know where you are going, at least you should know where you are coming from.

Are Doctors arrogant ? 1.

The doctor quickly entered the hospital after being called in to do an urgent surgery. He changed his clothes and went directly to the surgery block. He saw the boy's father walking back and forth in the hall waiting for the doctor. Once seeing the doctor, the dad yelled, " why did you take all this time to come?, don't you know that my son's life is in danger?, don't you have any sense of responsibility? ".  The doctor smiled and said, " I am sorry, I wasn't in the hospital and I came the fastest I could when I received the call. Now I wish you'd calm down so that I can do my work". " "Calm down?, what if your son was in this room right now, would you calm down?, if your own son dies now what will you do?" Said the man angrily. The doctor smiled again and replied; " I will say what is said in the Holy Bible ' from dust we came and to dust we return, blessed be the name of  God'. Doctors cannot prolong

Are Doctors arrogant? 2

"Giving advice when we're not connected is so easy". Murmured the father. The surgery took some hours after which the doctor went out happy. " Thank God!, your son is saved". And without waiting for the father's reply, he carried on his way running. "If you have any question, ask the nurse".  "Why is he so arrogant?. He couldn't wait some minutes so that  I could ask about my son's state?". Commented the father of the boy seeing the nurse minutes after the doctor left. The nurse answered; " his son died yesterday in a road accident, he was in the burial when we called him for your son's surgery".               ADVICE; ..... Stay calm in all situations so you can make decisions the best you can, be it in life, business,marriage, Carrier etc. Don't always allow your anger to rule you, instead be the lord over it and be careful to know what to say or do in times of pressures. Some mistakes can never be c

Negligence 1.

A very strong woodcutter asked for a job in a timber merchant and luckily for him, he got it. The pay was really good and so was the work condition. For these reasons, the woodcutter was determined to do his best. His boss gave him an axe and showed him the area where he supposed to work. The first day, the woodcutter brought down 18 trees. "congratulations", the boss said. " Go on that way". Very motivated by the words of the boss, the woodcutter tried harder the next day, but he could only bring down 15 tress. The third day he tried even harder, but he could only bring down 10 trees. Day after day he was bringing less and less trees. "I must be losing my strength", the woodcutter thought.  He went to the boss and apologized, saying that he could not understand what was going on, because he was putting in all his best but he is not getting the result he expected. " When was the last time you sharpened your axe? ", the boss asked.

Negligence 2.

 "Sharpen?". I had no time to sharpen my axe. I have been very busy trying to cut trees....             WHAT THIS IS ALL ABOUT, Some of us our lives are like that of the woodcutter. We sometimes get so busy that we don't take time to sharpen the " axe". In today's world, it seems that everyone is busier than ever, but less happy that ever. Why is that?. Could it be that we have forgotten how to stay 'sharpened'?. There is nothing wrong with activity and hard work. But we should not get so busy that we neglect the truly important things in life; like our personal life, taking time to get close to our creator, giving more time for family, create time to honestly rest and sleep, taking time to read etc. We all need need time to relax. Think and mediate, to learn and grow.  If we don't take the time to sharpen the "axe", we will become dull and loss our effectiveness even without knowing. So start sharpening today, You know

Negative Results of Thoughts.

1. Bestial ( brutal; showing lack of sensibility) thoughts crystallise into habits of drunkenness and sensuality. It solidify into circumstances and the results are disease, destitution and death. 2. Impure thoughts of every kind crystallise into enervating and confusing habbits. It solidify into distracting and adverse circumstances. 3. Thoughts of fear, doubt and indecision crystallise into weak, unmanly and irresolute habits. It solidify into circumstances of failure, indigence and slavish dependence.  4. Lazy thoughts crystallise into habits of uncleaniness and dishonesty.  It solidify into circumstances of foulness and beggary. 5. Hateful and condemning thoughts crystallise into habits of accusation and violence. It solidify into circumstances of injury and persecution. 6. selfish thought crystallise into habits of self - seeking. It solidify into circumstances more or less distressing. ~ James Allen.

Never lose Hope 2.

...............He repeated the operations three times more and returned home with the money he wanted to use for feeding in about six different categories. The man realise how he could survive by this way, and so he started to go everyday earlier. Shortly later, He bought a haul, then a truck and then he had his own fleet of delivering vehicles. Five years later, the man's company became one of the biggest food retailer company in his resident territory.  He started to plan for his family's future, and he decided to have a life isurance. He called an insure broker who happened to be the employer of many years ago. As years have gone by, they were not able to recognise each other.  The man chose a protection plan suitable for his family, and when the conversation was concluded, the broker asked him of his email so as to forward the bills and it's break down to him.  The man replied, " I don't have a email". The broker replied, currioulsy "

Never lose Hope 1.

  A jobless man applied for a position of 'office boy' at a very big company. The employer interviewed him, then a test ; clean the floor. The man passed the test and the employer said to him "you are hired, Give me your email address and I will send you the application to fill, as well as when you will start". The man replied, " I don't have a computer neither an email address". " Am sorry", said the employer." If you don't have an email address that means you do not exist and a person who doesn't exist, cannot have the job, not in this office". The man pleaded to give an email address as soon as possible, but he was declined as there were other people that came for the same job.  The man left the office with no hope. He didn't know what to do with the only feeding money remaining with him in his pocket. He decided  to go the supermarket, bought a 10kg of tomato crate, then went on selling the tomatoes door t

Best friendship!


Let's begin with a picture.  He must not have been more than thirty years old. The oval face of those wrinkles of age, the well - turfed and black hair, and his still complete though brown set of teeth supported this assessment. All he had for clothing was a piece of cloth with some words written on it. It must have been one of those posters used but now abandoned by 'show- biz' promoters. Across his neck was yet another cloth which bore our national colours. His feet were naked -------- just as they came from their creator. In one hand he had an empty tin. He talked ceaselessly and in a disordered fashion. The other free hand emphasized his spoken words and gestures. As he talked, he gazed at you as if you were responsible for his pathetic condition. He looked redeemable, though.  There are many of his type in various urban areas. Beggars! They ate in every conceivable place. At the bank, the supermarket, the church, the mosque, market places, street --



Evil thoughts!

Our thoughts are part of us. We cannot see them, but we can carry them along with us everywhere we go.  Some are heavy while some are not. The heavy thoughts are sometimes noticeable with our facial expression, the good and happy thoughts keeps us smiling all the time even to non living things or some category of domestic animals. Just as fuel is prone to fire, so every human being in the world is prone to evil thoughts. Having anything at grassroot  is not that serious until we are ready to take full responsibility for that particular thing, thereby we adopt every strategy to maintain and keep that particular thing safe as ours. So also is the role of evil thoughts in our hearts. Sometimes you come to discover that you spend hours thinking over something that is irrelevant and your thoughts are negative. Evil thought begins with condemnation of people and things that come across us daily or on regular basis. The moment you start seeing the negative part of anything, evil th

Every extra money you get aside what you deserve, is a simple test on how you can manage money when you have it in excess. You may not remember, but money always keeps the record. ~Emmanuel Ina.

An educating video.

Go Ahn Apple of her mother's eye She be Mummy raised her Daddy never dropped a dollar Daddy ran away…didn't want to have a child Mummy wasn't ready Still remember how she cried but time flies, all that one is in the past life Shola ti mature, gbogbo body ti bi large size She just collect law degree for Unilag First class in the bag Make her mummy to dey brag She went to be an intern for her Uncle Just a little hustle before she go to law school My daughter, the Lord will be your muscle Omo Jesu, Mummy know she love the gospel But Uncle Peter Agbaya Alayi ni ti ju One late night he came back in the sitting room Uncle please stop…Shhh be silent Uncle didn't stop till he broke the {Hook} Am I a fool? Shey I don go astray? Am I a victim of my circumstance? Omo luwa bi ti bo so wa ye and now I'm feeling like I don loss my way Am I a fool? Shey I don go astray? Am I a victim of my circumstance? Omo luwa bi ti bo so wa ye and now I'm

Tons Wisdom.

It's not the music that makes people cry, it's the memories that it brings anytime it is being listened to that makes people cry. It's not the size of the load that makes you tired it's how you carry it.  Life is not about what happened to you, it's about how you handle what happens to you. Crying and worrying will never take away the agonies of yesterday but it will surely affect the joy of today. Try as much as possible to let go of what is gone and enjoy what is left because half is better than non. 24 hours is the greatest asset you receive everyday spend it widely now that you can.  Forgive yourself of your past mistakes and forgive those who wrong you and move on with your life. Whoever put you in this situation has already moved on while you are here killing yourself. Forgiveness gives you happiness while unforgiving and revenge consumes your joy. Let God fight on your behalf because there is a limit on how much you can fight for yourself.  Life g

How to read.

There is a very important fact about eye movement that you need to know. If you record the eye movements of someone who is reading, you will notice that, from time to time, the reader goes back and looks again at something he has read before; in other words, he regresses to an earlier part of the text, probably because he realises he does not understand the passage properly. Then he comes back to where he left off and continues reading. At one time, it was thought that regression was a fault, but it is in fact a very necessary activity in efficient reading. There are several different kinds of faults in reading, which are usually exaggerated with foreign learners.  The most common one is that most people read slowly than they should. There is no rate at which people ought to read, of course: it depends on your purpose in reading; how difficult the language is, how unfamiliar the material is and so on.  But most people read everything at the same slow speed, and do not seem to re

Making Money!

Most of the things we do everyday are channelled towards making money; one gets up early every morning to either go to work, look for work or go to school. All of this processes resolves to a circle of getting means to have money to live a more comfortable lif or satisfy one's self and family.  Every aspect of learning is towards having a certificate and knowledge that can be presented to others, and we are appreciated with money either as salary, reward, gifts, services etc. Nobody ever wants to be poor, but some people are just so trapped in the cage of poverty. Poverty is not necessary being deficient of lots of money, car, houses etc, Poverty is simply living at a standard or level that you have all the  ability to live above. So we are faced with different poor people in the society, some made up their minds and can't even look at their abilities, some are just comfortable with being satisfied for the day, and beg for whatever they are not able to afford.  People la

Its better to have a few of right friends than many wrong friends, and it's better to have no friends at all that to have a few of wrong friends!........

A better Nigeria.

 Most times when we contemplate and reason why we have not and cannot leave this country for good. Many answers may rush to our mind, and each of them striving to recognised as being the most cogent. We sometimes remind ourselves of the popular slogan that ' this country belongs to us all', for which Nigerians must join hands in trying to salvage it.We try to dismiss the argument by reasoning that its is foolhardy attempting to lend a helping hand where one's services are apparently not required. Most people want to leave the country in a hurry just because of our political instability and economic hardships, but the fact is that out commitments to our family and extended family at home would suffer. Some believed that as soon as they got abroad, they would arrange for their family to join them, other financial problems would be taken care of. They  would that they will go and never come back until the situation in the country improved considerably, and there will be

Society democracy.

When Thomas Jefferson wrote in the American Declaration of independence that ' all men are created equal' , he was not seeking to describe men's endowments, but their political and legal rights.  He was not saying that men do not differ from one another in the powers and dimension of other bodies, minds and characters. He was asserting that, despite variations and differences, they all possessed the right to equal political and legal treatment.  We must, however, ask of what real value are political and legal equality to a man who has no bread to eat, no clothes to wear, no roof to shelter him, no chance to earn livelihood?. What we understand as democratic society is a society that must provide for its citizen's minimum status.  In our time, the nations of the democratic world have installed elaborate systems of society security and welfare, ranging from compensation for industrial accidents to subsidized housing, unemployment insurance, old age pensions, psychi

Vitamin E!

What if I told you there was a vitamin that plays the role of antioxidant, preventing free radical damage to specific fats in the body that are critical for your health and naturally slowing aging? I’m talking about vitamin E, and believe it or not, vitamin E benefits don’t end there. Other vitamin E benefits include its role as an important fat-soluble vitamin that’s required for the proper function of many organs, enzymatic activities and neurological processes. Vitamin E is found only in plant foods, including certain oils, nuts, grains, fruits and wheat germ, avocados, tomatoes, spinach, mango. It’s also available in supplement. Vitamin E benefits skin by strengthening the capillary walls and improving moisture and elasticity, acting as a natural anti-aging nutrient within your body. Studies have shown that vitamin E reduces inflammation both within your body and on your skin, helping maintain healthy, youthful skin.  It can be used to treat scars , acne and wrinkles; this

The philosophy about too much

1. If you speak too much, you will lie 2. If you think too much, you will be depressed 3. If you cry too much, you will lose your sight 4. If you love too much, you will be lost 5. If you care too much, you will be taken for granted 6. If you play too much, you will not be taken serious often 7. If you trust too much, you will be betrayed 8. If you work too much, you will die of stress 9. If you eat too much, you will be obsessed 10.If you sleep too much, you will be idle 11. If you spend too much, you will have no future 12. If you wear make up too much, you will lose your beauty 13. If you look too much, you will lose your focus 14. If you pursue life too much, you will lose everything. *BUT..........* * When you pray too much, you will have everything * When you are patient too much, you will have the whole world * When you invest too much, you will have your future guaranteed * When you let go too much, you will have peace of mind *When you are careful too much,

Admonition....When next a game is on, take a look at the players, the referees, the linesmen and the spectators. Out of all these category of people, the only people who don't wear a wrist watch are the players on the field. They get into the pitch and play their hearts out knowing that even though they don't know the exact time, the exact minute the game will end and the whistle will be blown, they are conscious of the fact that the game will definitely end when the one holding the time blows his whistle. I liken this to our race here on earth. We are on the pitch of play called life. And even though we all wear wrist watches, they are just a man-made devise to guide our daily activities and give us a sense of timing. The one who holds time is somewhere waiting and watching us play our game on the pitch of life. He has a whistle. When the time is up, by His own timing, he will blow the whistle and the game will be over and then winners and losers will emerge and rewards will be given to deserving players. It is only after the referee's whistle has sounded that I notice people weep or jubilate. They cry and gnash their teeth because, it's all over! The game is over and the time is up! They weep because they see missed opportunities, missed scoring chances, but by that time, the time is up! The game is over! And those who celebrate do so because they won the match. Let me encourage you today, dear friends , that your wristwatch is not the time. Oh no its not! The time is with the one who created time and only Him determines when the time starts and stops for each one of us. With this in mind, let's strive for mastery and reach for the goal as we play on the pitch of life... The play is still on.... I sense we have long returned from our half-time break. I sense that we may perhaps be in our extra time, just incase we will capitalise on the extra time to hit the goal correctly.... Tick - tock-tick-tock... Time is going.. It is not our wristwatch that's reading, it's God's time ticking away.... Play your game well..... Play it with utmost concentration... Shut out the spectators who are either Cheering or Jeering_..... Keep your eyes on the goal post.... Play hard so that you won't loss in the game of life. Stay blessed....Stay rapturable! ~WhatsApp.


Most people say they don't like arguing but the fact remains that in order to properly buttress your point , sometimes you need to stress on what your view is, But this becomes difficult when there is an opposition or a third party that wants you to listen to their own point of view contrary to yours. Everybody argues for a particular reason, and everybody have their reasons based on their thinking and conclusion. Voices are raised up when people find it difficult to conclude on an issue after some moments of argument. As voices are raised up, feelings and emotions begins to set in, anger begins to sprau up gradually. In no short time insults begins to be amidst the arguments and of course it is always a reciprocal scenario. As the pressure increases, if self control is lacking, everyone goes home with a squeezed face and sometimes a hurt body or with animosity. Argument is not  mandatory but in a case where it is necessary, letting our your view is the best option. You don&

Surrendering yourself to your enemy is very simple when you talk too much before people. Sometimes we talk too much because we don't think and we talk anyhow because we cannot behave ourselves. #Emmanuel Ina

Notice Board.

I was to remember my first day at freedom university for a long time. One arrival on campus, I expected to be met by some stales students ( as was the practice in my secondary school) but every student was new like myself. I asked the way to Grant Hall but no one could tell me.  I asked a number of other questions about issues that bothered me, such as where and how to pay the fees, the way to the dining hall and so on, but no help was forthcoming. So in the midst of so many people I am alone, I mused to myself. The prospect was not in the least cheerful and all the elation I had at gaining into a renowned university began to disappear. Then, so if propelled by an u known benevolent force, I walked a little bit down the corridor in the direction of a  notice board at which some ten young men and women were peering. For want of something to do, I decided to stop and look at the notice board. Alas! I had opened on the key to all the riddles that had dribbled me since I set foot on